Georgia Jacobs - textile artist
I was a Further Education lecturer in Geography and Geology during my career, but with a passion for textiles and art. On retirement I further developed my interests and achieved City & Guilds Diploma in Machine Embroidery and Advanced Textile Decoration at Inkberrow Design Centre; the inspirational theme for my work was Geology.
I am a registered speaker for the Women’s Institute. I give talks, workshops and demonstrations on the theme ‘Geological Inspirations in Textile Art'. I have exhibited my work at the Three Counties Show in Malvern on behalf of the W.I.
I exhibit geologically-themed textiles at museums and visitors centres as a member of the ‘Geologists in the Geopark’ group at the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark.
In addition, I hold exhibitions and give talks for several organisations and groups as requested.
This website is a showcase of some of my work; I hope you find it of interest. I would be delighted to hear from you.